Lavakids: How to Run 101 Program

Posted:April 01, 2015
Categories:Fun News, Hawaii Island, Keiki, Physical Fitness, Run, Schools, lavakids
Five sessions remain for this program in which all middle school students interested in learning how to run may participate. In the article, "Runnin' with Rani: Lavakids rule 101, writer Rani Henderson explains how Lavakids has expanded their programs to include: How to Run 101.
Starting in January, Lavakids offered a 10-wee program providing free running clinics to middle school-aged children "in an attempt to engage Big Island's youth into healthier and more active lifestyles." The children learn basic running fundamentals, stretching and nutrition from invited guest speakers within the athletic community.
“The main goal for this program is to inspire kids to take control of their own health,” said Lavaman Waikoloa race director, Gerry Rott. “The middle school-aged children are the hardest hit as there are a lack of available activities and resources out there for them. With recent school budget cuts and age requirements, the 11-13 year olds are left out of team sports and even PE (physical education) classes in schools.”
One of the students, Melanie Uyeda, 12-years old, says “Just being able to run and have people help teach us about our form and how to stay fit is what I like most about this program,” Uyeda said. “I play tennis and it will help me to keep in shape for it. There’s also a 5K at the end of this and I want to be able to get a good time. I like how people come to teach us how to stretch and eat healthier,” she said. “I think I will probably continue running on my own after this is all done.”
The clinics are free from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on Friday afternoons at Kealakehe Intermediate School on the following dates: April 10 & 17, May 1, 15, & 22. For more information contact Ellie Sumic at
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