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My Eat Local Hawaii Plate - This localized "My Plate" takes the guesswork out of the approximate amounts of food to eat as well as the types of food to eat - which are all locally grown foods.
CDC's Learn the Signs. Act Early. for Early Care and Education Providers. Free research-based, parent-friendly resources on child development. Boost family engagement and your own professional development.
Water Jets Evaluation Tools, New York University-City University of New York PRC - Helps to evaluate school water sources. Students with access to water fountains drank 3 tiems more water than students without.
CATCH a School Health Program, University of Texas, Houston PRC - Promotes physical activity and healthy food choices for preschool through 8th grade, ages 4 to 13, and offers modules in sun safety and e-cigarette prevention. The program shows positive results with 10,000 schools in 32 states.
Out of School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP), Harvard PRC - Improves wellness practicies and policies in after-school and similar programs. Kids drank more water and their exercise time was more active.
Kōkua Hawaii Foundation Bookmark with recipes for flavored water - Hydration is key in the hot summer months. KHF offers healthy alternatives to quench your thirst when the going gets hot while avoiding high sugar beverages.
New CDC Resource: Tips for Teachers: Promoting Healthy Eating & Physical Activity in the Classroom - Simple changes in the classroom can make a big impact on preventing childhood obesity. CDC's new resource is full of easy ways teachers can promote a healthy classroom. Click here to download the tips & here to learn more.
Kōkua Hawaii Foundation Healthy Snack Resource Guide - A resource guide for healthy snacks & waste-free classroom celebrations. In this guide, there are ideas for reducing waste and meeting the department of education wellness policy for snacks and parties. (#Healthier Celebrations #Healthier Rewards).
Effective and Healthy Rewards for Kids - Rewards and performance accomplishments reinforce desirable behavior and encourage its repetition. The most effective rewards for school, at home, and in the community. (#Healthier Celebrations #Healthier Rewards).
Non-food Incentives and Rewards in the Classroom - Fun and creative ideas for classroom incentives from elementary and middle school. (Benton County Healthy Weight & Lifestyle Coalition). (#Healthier Celebrations #Healthier Rewards).
Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies for Rural Communities Toolkit - Nemours developed this toolkit in 2014 to provide examples of obesity prevention initiatives and strategies in rural communities to help advance the field and spread what works. Nemours is an internationally recognized children’s health system that owns and operates the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, Delaware, and Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando, along with major pediatric specialty clinics in Delaware, Florida, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
The Wellness Impact Report - This report addresses why schools play a more important role than ever in helping forge the nation’s future. It illuminates the vital importance of improved nutrition and increased physical activity in creating an environment that enriches students’ readiness to learn.
School Snack Infographic - This report weighs in the differences in snacking between youth groups. Source: NPD Group.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Reports - The Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) monitors six categories of priority health risk behaviors among youth and young adults — behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence; tobacco use; alcohol and other drug use; sexual behaviors that contribute to unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection; unhealthy dietary behaviors; and physical inactivity —plus overweight.